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First Presbyterian Church of Pasadena

Worship is at 10:30 a.m. in person or livestreamed.

Sunday School for all is at 9:00 a.m.

You are invited to join us for coffee

before or after the service in Fellowship Hall.

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Upcoming Events

For a description of weekly activities, go to Events.
Blue Skies

First Sunday Lunch

July 7 at 11:30 a.m.

Hot dogs, chips, and watermelon will be provided.

Enjoy good food and fellowship!

Young at Heart
Field Trip

Tour the Lutcher Memorial Building of

First Presbyterian Church, Orange, Texas

and the Stark Museum of Art

Friday, July 26

Enjoy lunch at Robert's Steakhouse.

The cost is your lunch.

The bus loads at 745 a.m. and returns around 4:00.


Brunch and Book Group

The Brunch and Book group will be meeting to discuss Ashes to Ashes: A Ludington-van der Berg Mystery by M. M. Lindvall on Saturday, July 20, 2024, from 10:00 to 12:00 in Fellowship Hall.

Bring a dish to share.

  “Bones in the pastor’s cellar.  Secrets and sin.  The Reverend Seth Ludington tugs at a set of mysterious threads that entangle his predecessors in the Old Stone Church pulpit and touch on his own shadowed past…”

Mission Opportunities

What you can do.

Pasadena Community Ministries

Donate through our church by designating your monetary gift to PCM.

Bring your gently used clothing and shoes and put them in the tubs at church.

Write a letter of encouragement to a participant in the weekend and put it in the sack on the Kairos table in the Narthex.

Decorate placemats and sacks. You can pick up sacks and paper to decorate on the Kairos table

Bake cookies with no nuts or fruit, put them in press seal bags, label them Kairos, and put them in the freezer in the kitchen.

Donate to the cost of the weekend through our church by designating your monetary gift to Kairos.

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